Lenten Wanderings:
Discovering Gifts in the Dark Wood
Ash Wednesday
12 - 1 pm Ashes-to-Go: While traditionally practiced in a worship service, not everyone can attend when a congregation gathers, whether because of health concerns, not wanting to drive at night, or a myriad of other reasons. So, St. Andrew continues the tradition of offering Ashes-to-Go for those who cannot or do not wish to attend the 7 pm worship. Ashes-to-Go will be held from 12 pm - 1 pm on Wednesday, March 5. Anyone is welcome to drive by or walk up to receive ashes and the absolution of your sins. Ashes-to-Go will be located at the front door of St. Andrew.
7 pm Traditional Ash Wednesday Worship: In the Christian tradition, Ash Wednesday marks the start of the holy season of Lent, a time of reflection and repentance leading to the celebration of Easter. For centuries, Christians have received a cross of ashes on the forehead at the beginning of the season as a reminder of our brokenness, mortality, and need for God's love and forgiveness. “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” Ash Wednesday Worship will be in person on Wednesday, March 5, at 7 pm with the imposition of ashes and communion. This service is also livestreamed on our YouTube channel.
Gather, Walk, Worship: Our Lenten Wednesdays: Begin your Wednesday evening in fellowship over a warm soup supper at 6 pm in the Welcome Area. Between supper and worship, experience a contemplative moment on our outdoor labyrinth (weather permitting) or indoor labyrinth, with reflections inspired by our Lenten devotional 'Walking in the Wilderness.' Then join us for evening worship at 7 pm as we continue our Lenten journey together. Dress appropriately for outdoor walking if you wish to use the outdoor labyrinth.
6 pm Soup Supper
6:30 pm Labyrinth Walk
7 pm Worship
Midweek Worship at 7 pm, Wednesdays from March 12 -April 9: (in person and livestreamed): As we journey through Lent together, find renewal at our Wednesday evening contemplative services. Each week, guest pastors share insights that invite us deeper into the season's sacred mysteries, creating space for both personal reflection and community worship.
Lenten Devotional: For the season of Lent, the congregation is invited to read “Gifts Of The Dark Wood” by Eric Elnes. The Book is available for purchase at the Announcement Bar for $10. Financial assistance is available.
Reflecting Jesus’ calling, we, the community of St. Andrew, proclaim that the gifts of God are for all, so we welcome and advocate for equity and justice for… All abilities and disabilities, All believers and unbelievers, All races and ethnicities, All religions and creeds, All gender identities and expressions, All countries of origin, All sexual orientations, All immigrants and refugees, All economic levels, All spoken and signed languages, All…no exceptions!