Children’s Ministry
St. Andrew is about helping children and their families experience the love of God, deepen their faith in Christ, and identify their spirit-given gifts and calling, empowering them to share the love of God with others. All children and their families are embraced in worship and welcome to participate in our ministries. We offer a variety of faith formation activities stressing service to others, intergenerational connections, and equipping households and individuals to practice their faith in all aspects of their lives. Children’s activities are geared toward children in grade 5 or younger.
We meet weekly from September through May and have calendared activities throughout the year.
Nursery: We joyfully welcome children of all ages to join in worship. You may step out into the church Welcome Area, where the service may be heard. The nursery room also broadcasts the service and is open for families. An announcement will be made after the Children's Chat if supervised nursery care is available for children five and under. Please see an usher for assistance. Please check the availability of nursery services during special events.
Sunday School (Grades preschool-5): Children’s Education featuring the Godly Play® method, a curriculum of spiritual practice exploring the mystery of God’s presence in our lives. We meet weekly from September through May from 9:45 to 10:45 am.
Vacation Bible School: This annual celebration invites children to learn about God through activities, music, and fellowship.
Children's Music: Children in grades Preschool-6 are invited to participate in music classes.
Prayer Buds: A positive, faith-based mentorship program for our youth that builds connections across ages, helps guide children's prayer life, and supports their spiritual growth. Participants are paired with an adult from St. Andrew who will pray for them daily, and the youth will reciprocate by praying for their adult partner.
Messy Church: An all-inclusive take on church that includes interactive activities, songs, prayers, and dinner! All ages are welcome and encouraged to attend. Messy Church happens on the first Sunday of most months from 4 - 6 pm.
“3-4-5 on the Fourth”: A group for children in grades 3 through 5 that meets on the fourth Sunday of each month at 3:45 pm to build community and begin to introduce the fun and activity of the older youth ministry, The Youtherans.
Please note all volunteers who work with youth must complete a background check & required risk-reduction training.
For more information, contact Chris Natland, Director of Youth, Children & Family at
Reflecting Jesus’ calling, we, the community of St. Andrew, proclaim that the gifts of God are for all, so we welcome and advocate for equity and justice for… All abilities and disabilities, All believers and unbelievers, All races and ethnicities, All religions and creeds, All gender identities and expressions, All countries of origin, All sexual orientations, All immigrants and refugees, All economic levels, All spoken and signed languages, All…no exceptions!